Mar 11, 2021
Dr. Emily Anhalt is a clinical psychologist, emotional fitness expert, author, and the co-founder of Coa, a a "gym for the mind." On this episode, she talks with Lisa about the strategies and tactics for creating and sustaining mental wellness, how to find a great therapist, the importance of developing sound habits, and much more.
Behind Her Brilliance: A supportive community, hard work in therapy, and a deep belief that everyone is doing the best they can with what they have.
Say hi to Emily on Twitter or Instagram: @DrEmilyAnhalt
The On Deck Writer Fellowship is an eight-week paid program for internet writers who want to hone their craft, meet other writers, and grow an audience. The program combines weekly small-group writing workshops, tactical sessions and guest lectures, and an incredible peer community.
We're hosting Drafted, a free, day-long writing & learning event, on March 22, 2021. Drafted will feature:
Learn more and register at